We are a full-service restaurant group in Hong Kong offering Cantonese dining service and banquet service, including wedding banquet service. As at the Latest Practicable Date, we operated 9 restaurants under our brand names, “Wedding Banquet Specialist (煌府婚宴專門店)”, “The Palace (煌府)”, “The Palace (煌府.豐盛)”, “Palace One (煌府一號)”, “Sea Moon Cuisine (海月宴會廳)” and “Royal Courtyard (煌苑)”. All of our restaurants are strategically located at shopping mall, commercial complex or on-street shops at prime locations with convenient access to public transports.
All our restaurants are specially designed for hosting banquets and events. Our restaurants possess enhanced interior features such as 100-feet passage from the wedding stage to the middle of the banquet hall, revolving stage and lighting effect, which are popular amongst our wedding banquet customers.